What is Reach Digital?

“Rather than requiring a participant to organise their time around their supports, Reach Digital is designed to empower consumers to pursue their life as they envision it”

Reach Digital is a new kind of support designed to provide you the support you need when you need it, wherever you are.

Let’s say you’ve set yourself the goal of getting a job. You see a support worker each week towards achieving that outcome, and after not too long: bingo – you have a job. Great! This is how the NDIS is supposed to work, right? But who supports you while you’re at work? How might you access support services now that you work during the day?

Another scenario: you’re out doing some shopping and begin to experience heightened anxiety. You’ve spoken about coping strategies with a support worker, but in that moment, you just can’t make them work.

These, and many more, are unfortunately common scenarios, and the negative impacts arising from them can be significant and lasting. Reach Digital is designed as the solution to precisely these sorts of problems. It puts your support community, your goal progress tracker and your mentor in your pocket to access when you need them. Rather than requiring a participant to organise their time around their supports, Reach Digital is designed to empower people to pursue their life as they envision it and access support during the moments that matter.

Best of all, access to Reach Digital is free for anyone experiencing mental, physical or emotional challenges. The base platform of Reach Digital provides members with access to a social support network where members can share their experiences, meet new people and build a positive support community. This community is curated and supported by our Social Coaches, who work throughout the online platform to provide guidance to the community and positive interactions between members.

Reach Digital also houses ‘The Independence Resource Library’, a Reach initiative building a library of video resources, each with a single focus and clear explanation of different life skills: everything from financial management, to cooking, health and fitness, NDIS planning and much more.

For members looking for direct support on demand, Social Coaches also offer Digital Mentoring. Digital Mentoring removes the barriers of traditional 1:1 core support delivery and allows members access to their mentor when they need via text, voice or video. Mentoring support can be booked as blocks or accessed as needed. It’s designed to be as flexible as members need it to be.

Social Coach Mentors also leverage the resources of The Independence Resource Library to build growth pathways in line with members’ goals and provide tools and support to track their progress towards them.

If you, or someone you know is interested in Reach Digital, our friendly support team love working with new members to introduce them to the community, so contact us anytime to get an introductory consultation and free access to the social support network.

To sign up for Reach Digital, head to: https://reachsocialsupports.com.au/join-digital